Join Claire for an upcoming reading or workshop!


Prana & Prose Porch Member Appreciation Event

Prana & Prose Porch Member Appreciation Event

Free and only available to Porch Members! Register & learn more here!

Become a member of The Porch here!

Join us for a unique and inspiring afternoon of physical and creative expression. Start your experience with a rejuvenating yoga class led by the talented Gillian St. Clair, designed to stretch your body and mind. Following the yoga session, immerse yourself in a guided creative writing exercise facilitated by Claire Coenen. This workshop will help you tap into your creativity and express your thoughts and emotions through writing. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a budding writer, this event offers a perfect blend of movement and imagination to nourish your spirit and spark your creativity.

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Writing for Healing (Online)~4 Week Class

Writing for Healing (Online)~4 Week Class

As humans, we all know pain. In this class, we will explore how intentionally putting words on the page can help us connect with healing. The word “heal” comes from the old English hǣlan (meaning “cure; save; make whole, sound and well”). While writing may not cure or save us from physical or emotional ailments, writing can help us move toward wholeness. In this class we explore how the page can be a container for painful experiences, a doorway to refuge, and bridge to meaning. There will be ample time for in-class writing and opportunities to receive strengths-based feedback on work from the instructor. This class is for all humans. No matter your writing experience or lived experience, you fill find a soft place to land and learn practices that will support you on your creative, healing path. Learn more & Register here!

I will also be offering 6 week in-person version of this class at The Porch House in Nashville TN starting October 7th. Learn more & Register for the in-person class here!

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Writing as an Antidote To Existential Dread~Nashville, TN

Writing as an Antidote To Existential Dread~Nashville, TN

The barrage of bad news and intensifying anxiety about the future of our country, world, and planet can feel paralyzing. In this workshop, we will explore intentional ways to approach the page in the face existential angst and overwhelm. We will devote a significant amount of time writing in response to prompts that encourage us to soothe, nourish, and empower the heart. There will also be opportunities for sharing in-class writing and connecting in meaningful ways with other creative people wanting to cultivate more equanimity in life. All the participants in the class will receive a resource packet with work by authors (such as Audre Lorde, James Baldwin, Joy Harjo, & Anne Lamott) who inspire us to live courageously and a list of suggested practices that foster peace.

This is a class at The Porch House in Nashville, TN. Learn more and Register here!

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Poems for Peace

Poems for Peace

The world is an utter mess, and we desperately need peace in so many countries. The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press will be having an online poetry reading on the theme of 'peace'. This will also be a fundraising event to support the wonderful NGO Project Hope.

I’ll be reading at this Open Mic!

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Claire is available to tailor writing, yoga, and SoulCollage® workshops to the needs of your group!

  • The word “heal” comes from the old English haelen (meaning “cure; save; make whole; sound and well”). While writing may not cure or save us from physical or emotional ailments, writing can help us move toward wholeness. Claire leads workshops that explore how the page can be a container for pain, a doorway to refuge, and a bridge to meaning-making.

  • Yoga can be a powerful practice for fostering compassion toward the mind and body. Since Claire completed her Yoga Teacher Training at Kripalu in 2010, Claire has taught trauma-informed yoga to people of all ages in studios, schools, churches, and local nonprofits. She is available to tailor a gentle, accessible yoga practice for small or large groups.

  • SoulCollage® is an expressive arts practice that fosters self-reflection, imagination, and open heartedness through collaging. Claire facilitates workshops for first-time and experienced "SoulCollagers." You can learn more about SoulCollage® here: https://soulcollage.com/